Great Expectations 2021
2021 Sponsor-Partners
Master Level Sponsors
Baccalaureate Level Sponsors
Associates Level Sponsors
Honorary Committee
Honorary Committee 2021
Claudia Chuber and Paul Ellingwood
Ruth Deras and Ben Adeyinka
Pam and James Demetroulakos, M.D.
Annalisa and Dino DiPalma
Valerie and Steve Fox
Krystyna Hincman
Janice and Ralph James
Donna and Elliot Katzman
Kim and Joon Lee
Rachel and Robert Lutts
Drs. Eileen and Owen Mathieu
Kara McLaughlin and John Keenan
Trish Moore and Wayne Sheridan
Christopher Pesce
Abby and Gene Record
Robin and Paul Regensburg
David J. Roberts, M.D.
Mary Sarris
Nina Simonds and Don Rose
Stephanie and Michael Tallo
Elaine and Douglass E. Webb
Karen and Mike Wheeler
Planning Committee
Linda Coleman
Pam Demetroulakos
Kayla Dorst
Ellen Galligan
Constance Rudnick Grayson
Nancy Kelly
Abigail Record
Mira Riggin
Cynthia Robinson
Linda Saris
Stephanie Tallo
Jesenia Tejada-Perez
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