
August 22, 2024

Schools are embracing summer learning — just as the money dries up

This recent article in the Hechinger Report highlights the project-based learning activities at LEAP’s Dream MORE summer program. To read the full article by Kelly Field of the Hechinger Report, click here.
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August 22, 2024

Summer programs catch on as federal money runs out

LEAP for Education was recently highlighted in a Boston Globe feature story on summer learning. To read the full article written by Kelly Field, click here.
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August 19, 2024

LEAP students show off future career paths explored in summer work program

LEAP’s Summer Work Program was featured recently in a story by the Salem News. Click here to read all about it.
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May 3, 2024

The Power of Partnerships – Great Expectations 2024

Our Great Expectations 2024 event was one for the history books with a record crowd and number of sponsors. We raised a total of $252,000 for our programs. This year’s theme was The Power of Partnerships – celebrating the relationships we’ve formed with organizations that enrich the lives of our students and our communities at large. This video highlights just a few of the school, business and community partners that we have had the opportunity to work with this past year. To learn more about our
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October 9, 2023

LEAP Summer Work Program Featured in The Salem News

Several students at LEAP’s Summer Work Program were recently interviewed about their career research projects. Read more here:
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May 31, 2023

Great Expectations Recap Video

Did you miss our Great Expectations event? Watch the highlights here!
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March 14, 2023

In the News: “Former Lynn Superintendent to Speak at Nonprofit Event”

Dr. Patrick Tutwiler, keynote speaker and award recipient at this year’s upcoming Great Expectations event, was recently featured in Lynn’s Daily Item.
Featured image for “In the News: “Former Lynn Superintendent to Speak at Nonprofit Event””
March 2, 2023

Winter 2023 at LEAP

Students at Marshall Middle School in Lynn had a great time celebrating Valentine’s Day with LEAP’s Dream MORE program!
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August 10, 2022

Thurgood Marshall Students Encouraged To Dream More At Summer Program

On Monday morning, Mayor Jared Nicholson, Ward Councilors Wayne Lozzi and Coco Alinsug, Interim Superintendent Deb Ruggiero, and School Committee members Brian Castellanos and Lorraine Gately toured the school to see how LEAP (learn, explore, aspire, pursue) for Education’s Dream MORE program was enriching students’ lives.
Featured image for “Thurgood Marshall Students Encouraged To Dream More At Summer Program”
July 21, 2022

Learning Hits the Road in Lynn

Dozens of middle schoolers formed a line in the Thurgood Marshall Middle School parking lot Monday morning to climb aboard the “SCiLL,” a 30-foot-long mobile Sustainability and Climate Innovation Learning Lab.
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